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iCBWellness is part of the iClub BIZ family of companies.

Our Partners and Customers are the reason we do what we do. We believe in Entrepreneurship. We believe in Community. We believe in keeping things Simple. We strive to be Innovative. And, we stand for Quality. We do not settle in Service, and we let Results speak for themselves. We believe everyone should feel a part of something much bigger than themselves.

The iClub Biz story began over ten years ago with the idea of how to leverage the internet and create a group of people with massive buying power providing the best products and services for the best prices.

Fast forward, and we have perfected the platform and created multiple partnerships, and offerings.

In 2007, we launched a member benefit company, a nutraceutical company in 2009, a travel company in 2010 and a financial education company in 2019.

We recognized the power of bringing the various offerings and partnerships under the I-Club BIZ platform; a distribution network instead of a product based network. Our goal is to continue to expand our product offerings to include a variety of consumable products and services that make sense and fit within our business platform.

Creating a streamlined system has allowed us to faithfully serve our customers and Independent Business Owners since 2007 consistently fulfilling products and paying bonus checks. Our distribution center and corporate offices are based in Iowa.

We invite you to learn more about iClub BIZ and join our Unique Cooperative Distribution System & Business Building Network.

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